Celia Tejada and Rocio Montero have collaborated over the years in the design space, from conceptual design to product development, together they have shaped the vision and aesthetic of the most powerful lifestyle brands in America such as RH Restoration Hardware, PB Pottery Barn WSI, and BR Home Banana Republic GAP. Their insights and experience has led them to create ABRANDPROMISE, a consulting firm that strives to guide companies and entrepreneurs to find their true voices in the marketplace and unlock their full potential, not only as profitable brands, but also as companies with a humanitarian dimension. By creating and engaging in inspired narratives that reflect the consumer’s values to build trust amongst their communities, and help drive customer acquisition and devotion to brands.
Change brings opportunity. We have had the privilege of working in strategic roles globally that challenged us to use creativity to build brands with meaning and products that would be loved and valued. Over the years, we have developed a methodology that structures our approach to branding opportunities. Our method starts with a single question: Where is the potential for community and how can creativity and design make the community real, the brand relevant and the business successful?